
Professional focus of the section:

  • supporting the education of doctors in attestation preparation in the field of radiology as well as radiologists interested in vascular and non-vascular interventional radiology;
  • expanding professional knowledge in the field of vascular and non-vascular interventional radiology;
  • developing cooperation in the field of vascular and non-vascular interventional radiology between individual radiological workplaces in Slovakia;
  • participation in the creation of standard diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, support of scientific research activities and grants in the field of vascular and non-vascular interventional radiology;
  • development of interdisciplinary cooperation with other medical fields

Cooperation with partner organizations:

  • cooperation with other professional societies or their sections (Slovak Angiology Society, Slovak Society of Vascular Surgery, Slovak Oncology Society, Slovak Nephrology Society, Slovak Neurosurgery Society, Slovak Neurology Society, Cerebrovascular Section of the Slovak Neurological Society)
  • cooperation with partner companies such as CSIR, CIRSE, SIR


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