

The Slovak Radiological Society (SRS) is a civil association that brings together doctors with an interest in the field of radiology. SRS continues the activities of the Slovak Radiological Society, which was established in 1969.

SRS represents its members externally in order to protect and enforce their legitimate demands and interests. For this purpose, it submits, assesses, publishes and enforces proposals and opinions on issues related to expertise and science in the field of radiology, on issues related to the possibilities of applying top diagnostic and scientific radiological procedures in medical practice, on issues of the ethics of doctors and health workers as citizens and implementers of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in the field of radiology, to issues of specialization in the field of radiology, postgraduate teaching, proposals of the chief expert and proposals of experts to commissions.

SRS ensures the dissemination and transfer of the latest scientific, professional, diagnostic and therapeutic knowledge of the field of radiology from current domestic and global medical science into practice in the form of further education by organizing or participating in professional scientific events (conferences, congresses, congresses, symposia at home and abroad), publishing or by participating in the publication of professional medical journals, informational and professional non-periodical materials and books.

SRS participates in the scientific and research activities of the department, initiates and supports the creation of sections, working groups and commissions from among its members, which deal with specific issues of the department. SRS establishes contacts with international non-governmental organizations, professional scientific organizations at home and abroad. In accordance with the statutes, it awards prizes and honors to its members and submits proposals to the SLS Presidium for awarding prizes and honors to the SLS Presidium. It provides methodological and advisory services to its member base and ensures other tasks arising from its mission and subject of activity.

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